
Sign the petition

Contact Connect Lappin.

We would love for you to get involved. The best thing you can do is contact our local representatives and Metrolinx to let them know that creating a pedestrian crossing at Lappin Avenue is a priority!

Email template to use and edit!

Dear [Insert Name],

I am writing to you concerning the Davenport Diamond Grade Separation project. It has come to my attention that Metrolinx is no longer including a pedestrian crossing at Lappin Avenue as part of this project.

This crossing is crucial to our neighbourhood. It will make walking to school, the new library, and the new Wallace-Emerson Community Centre much easier and safer. The Junction Triangle got its name from the rail tracks cutting off the community, and now the City and Metrolinx have the opportunity to open up the Junction Triangle to its surroundings. With the thousands of current and new residents in condominiums and mixed use developments along Dupont, thinking about how we walk and bike around the city is more important than ever.

Accessibility is key to good city building, and I urge you to advocate for a pedestrian crossing at Lappin Avenue.

Warm regards,

[Insert Signature]